25 Questions to Start The Year As Your Most Aligned Self
Start the new year with some gentle self reflection to step into the year as your most aligned self.
33 Things I’ve Learned at 33
New website, new trip around the sun and I’m back will all I’ve learned at 33. As I enter this new year, I’m reflecting back at the year that passed so I can bring in all the wonderful lessons I’ve learned.
31 Things I've Learned at 31
Well a puppy, a concussion, a wedding, some MBA classes and a new year later and I’ve been 31 over half a year already. Here’s 31 things I’ve learned so far.
What a Year of Writing Down Weekly Life Lessons Has Taught Me
It was a year ago that I got the idea to start each Sunday morning writing down a lesson I learned from the previous week. 52 weeks of life lessons later, this is what they taught me.
30 Things I’ve Learned at 30
As I head heart-first into 30 and reflect on all the lessons the universe has taught me over the past year, here are 30 things I’ve learned.
The Tension Between Preservation and Perseverance
How do I try to describe the last 6 months? How would you? The tug between preservation and perseverance is ever present and frankly hurting my back from the effort of pulling in too many directions.
Why I Became a Meditation Teacher
I’m so happy I became certified to teach meditation for so many reasons — read this blog for the top 10 reasons.
Why I Don't Drink: Answers for the Sober Curious
I get a lot of questions on my choice to not drink so I thought I’d spend a little time answering the most common ones.
Who Will Tell Our Stories?
In the face of grief, I struggle to find the time or space to write even a few words on the page with the elegance and grace that my grandparents did. I wonder in the deafening silence, who will tell our stories?
15 Podcasts To Listen To Right Now For a Perspective Shift
Podcasts have expanded my mind, challenged my thoughts, and helped me grow. So I wanted to share my top 15 favorite episodes over the past year with you!
The Fear of Autoimmune
I, with autoimmune, write this post to bring the fear out of the shadows. To stand with you when it's dark and the sounds are frightening so you don't feel quite so alone.
28 Lessons I've Learned at 28
What. A. Year. A month into 28, I wanted to put together a list of the lessons I’ve learned this past year. I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store and all of the lessons that await!
Why Creating White Space Will Change Your Life
In my search to find more white space, I implemented several changes I want to share in the hopes it helps you too find just a little more space to breathe, expand, and be present.
On Self Doubt
There are so many different causes behind feelings such as self doubt, so I want to share what’s been helping me in the event it helps any of you.
What I've Learned at 27
After enduring a big year of high highs and low lows at 26, I’ve finally turned 27. Here’s everything I’ve learned after this crazy year.
To Strong Women, on International Women's Day
A letter to strong women (AKA all women) on this International Women’s Day.
Bubble Girl
This joke about being a "bubble girl" has been said by just about everyone around me--my parents, coworkers, boyfriend, friends. While it's an entertaining thought, I can't help but think, would it help?
Summertime Sadness, Happiness, and Everything in Between
This summer I learned a lot about myself, so I've distilled what I've learned this summer into five important lessons.
What I Didn't Instagram
The popular quote is we're comparing our real lives to everyone else's highlight reel and it couldn't be more true. So, I wanted to take this post to show the stark contrast in what I post and what I don't.