The Ultimate Menstrual Phase Beet Smoothie
An elixir for your menstrual cycle that is truly game-changing.
Understanding the Cycle Syncing Method to Optimize Your Life
In this blog post, I’m breaking down cycle syncing — what it is, what it means for us, and how to do it — so you can see why this may be the missing piece of your routine.
Let's Talk About Periods. (And Can You Bring Chocolate?)
Periods are tough, even if yours are light. So what can you do to make it easier? Here are a few tips and tricks that have helped me and I hope can help you too.
5 Things I Actually Mean When I Say "I'm Fine"
I try as much as possible not to say “I’m fine” when what my brain really meant to say was the exact opposite. So here is what I really am trying to say when I use that phrase.