Natural Deodorants: The Good, The Bad and The Stinky
I've tested a lot of the natural deodorants for you so to ease you into it, here are my rankings — I tried so you don't have to! Go forth and have happy (non-stinky) pits!
5 Things I Actually Mean When I Say "I'm Fine"
I try as much as possible not to say “I’m fine” when what my brain really meant to say was the exact opposite. So here is what I really am trying to say when I use that phrase.
Cheers to My Stomach Roll
I hesitated posting a picture because of the roll on my stomach due to me leaning to one side. I wanted to post it though because it captures the moment so perfectly and I want to celebrate that!
What Sets Your Soul On Fire
I want to fearlessly seek what sets my soul on fire. So… what currently does?
The Balancing Act
Maybe I will never perfect my balancing act, but I can stand a little taller, take small steps forward, and continue to improve with each step as new challenges come my way.
Confessions of a Digital-holic & Why You Should Consider a Digital Detox
If you are like me, addicted to your electronics and wanting to feel a little bit of freedom from them, here are a few simple steps you can take for a digital detox.
This is Anxiety
I'm currently in the thick of a panic attack and have been for the past hour. I'm hoping writing will help calm me. And I said this blog would be honest, so here I am, probably more honest that you signed up for.
What I've Learned at 26
I turned 26 this week. Here's all the chaos that's happened so far, and the lessons I'm taking into this next year with me.
Stillness with Momentum
As humans, we need to find time for stillness. It can be hard to do, so here are some ways I’m trying to find stillness with momentum — maybe they’ll help you, too.
That One Time, at Summer Camp...
That fateful year of summer camp marks the beginning of my journey with chronic illness. This has shaped me — it taught me grit, strength, and creativity. Let me tell you about it.